January 1, 2013

Something Funneh for the Happiest New Year!

So my mom was showing me this silly photo site that one of her friends uses and I ended up fiddling around on it for some time... And here are some of the results:

My brother saw this and liked it a lot...
So then he goes and does something like THIS. -__- He's just jelly of my beauty. *hmph* Lmao.

The following is a series of reactions upon seeing my brother's edit: *indignant*... *you'll-get-what-coming-to-you-glare*... *AHH!!*... *want some Vietnamese steamed bunz?*... *Whatever, peace off* **

**Not taken in real time... some photos may not be completely relevant to the situation.

Kitteh pic will save all dignity... Okay, not really. >.>
Happy New Year everyone! Hope it's much happier, brighter than the last! :)