January 8, 2013

Carved In Trees, Pt. IV

Here, is where the next part of my story
Shall begin, for it's another beginning --
The same path that used to be gravel and pebbles,
Is now cement, and I've traveled to a new world

My heart has never been at such a discord
Leaving home, leaving familiarity behind
For strangers, for the mysterious, for chance,
It is the feeling of hot water on cold skin

I held no expectations, I carried no baggage
Except for my fire and my empty pail
It was a world without boundaries
I was a bird that had taken flight

The truth is, I was overwhelmed
I drank in all the colours and lights
And I danced mindlessly and I didn't mind
I held no reserves and nothing held me back

I cannot say for sure that I did not lose myself
But I did lose that ambition I've had for so long
Because suddenly there was so much
That I had not experienced, I had not seen

And suddenly, I held many heart strings in my hands
And I did not know what to do with them
Flattered by their attention and their fight
I gently set them free in the wind

What unfolded, was him
So smart, stoic, strong
The kindest man I'll ever meet
The first kiss I'll ever experience

I was the fir seed that spun
While he was the branch that swayed lightly
To him, I was the spark that set the forest on fire,
He loved the life that I was

To say the end was my fault
And you would be partially right
Because even though I've walked this far
The childish parts of me did not change

When you love someone
You pour hope into them
You hold their hand,
In hopes of their return of a tight grip

Jealousy is a wretched thing
It eats you away and is not afraid to show its face
You are the victim, but it also makes you the culprit
And you are torn apart by yourself

But you also tear love apart...
I teared that love apart and I was sorry for it
He was sorry that he handed me the tools to destroy it
Years passed, forgiveness melted love back to friendship

And I am fortunate, if I may say,
So very fortunate.