January 22, 2013

My Affinity for Jellyfish!

Such graceful sea creatures.

A short story - ever since the invention of the Jellyfish Dance, one of my many nicknames has been Cnidarian. I have a friend named Patrick, and I affectionately call him Echinodermy (which is the phylum name for the starfish... the y is added for endearment). Lol. :) Good times.

One of the reasons why I wanted to draw a jellyfish was because I wanted to change my Facebook cover photo...  but it wouldn't take the photo's dimensions as it is, so I had to fiddle around with its pixelation... It'd always end up being too small (so the photo would stretch) or too big (so a lot of the details are lost).

Anyway, Photoshop to the rescue!
 It took me a while to get the patch and spot healing just right (since, as you can see, I stretched the photo horizontally, adding things that weren't there before, lol -- the first picture is the original photo of the drawing), adjusted/edited the image's colours and whatnot, and voila!

Not too shabby, I don't think. I mean, you can obviously see the repetition of the shadow at the bottom right corner and the left corner too, for that matter (I tried to blur it so it's not too standout), and I could've gotten rid of it, but I kinda like it like that. I suppose I should've blended the area below the tentacles a bit better (it, to me, should be a little lighter since the angle of the light strikes there too), but oh well.