January 15, 2013

I often question my existence...

What if what they said was true -- that your life flashes before your eyes right before you die? And what if they were wrong about one detail of that notion... that instead of your life flashing before you,
it replays itself like a very long film, so real, that you feel like you are living it again, that you don't realize that you are, in actuality, on the brink of death?

Alternatively, what if your life is just a virtual simulation, designed to see if your character, your survival is well suited to whomever is dreaming you up? And this world is just a large playground, an experiment, to test for possible outcomes of variables (of which you are one of them). Deaths, in this simulated world, are simply the ways the minds behind-the-scenes decide that they want to start over new, that the character they have thought up is deemed not worthy enough. Your life, everything that is you, are simply items of clothing that the mind behind it all, is trying out... and that you are essentially, powerless to do anything about anything.

What if my life right now, is a do-over, a deal offered to my future self, to make amends, to change whatever that is to happen? What if I haven't done anything different and the same conclusion is reached? Did I relive my life because I want to remember something? Feel more passionately? Am I disappointing my future self right now? Or what if this life, my life right now, is actually the past life of someone else?

I look at my hands, and I often wonder if they're made of molecules, binary codes, or dust...

I'm often plagued by these thoughts. You may think them silly or perhaps even unoriginal, but I thought I'd share anyway. (.__.  )