October 31, 2012

The Same Day, the Past Six Years

2012: Evelyn Salt. Must add a creepy, ghostly camwh*re pic here. Lol.
Hehehehe. I can't help it. ;__; Lol.
The outfit. Oops, seemed to have messed up the picture orientation, lol. I totally had to Photoshop the buttons off of that jacket... I couldn't go out this year and get stuff so I had to work with what I have in my closet...
This is probably a mistake on my part, doing a side-by-side comparison, lol.
2011: Wichita from Zombieland.
2010: Part II - As Jane Patrick, the female Patrick Jane (The Mentalist).
2010: Part I - Psyche.  (There were 2 parts because I couldn't decide which to dress up as.)

2009: Lana Croft, Lara's cousin from the Orient.

2008: A Magician's Bunneh. No, I am not pooping in the right picture... >.>
2007: I be a gangsta.
Happy Halloween! :D