October 9, 2012


I am a spinning top
Spinning endlessly
In the same place,
Digging a groove,
Dulling my senses;
I've stranded myself.
Everything blurs,
Colours blend,
And I listen numbly
To my own laughter
Spin out of my head.
I am swimming
In a world of madness,
And I'm on the brink
Of giving into it,
When suddenly
A skip suspends
My swirls and whirls,
Knocking me out
Of my hollow,
And I somehow
Stumble into a place
Where I should not be.
I know not how
I ended up here,
But my love spills
From my sleeves
As I twirl and spin.
I'm spinning still
In this uncanny place,
I gasp as I realize
That I've set my heart
A-flight and it lands
In your territory, spinning.
Now I must endure it
Mindlessly spinning,
Hopelessly spinning,
Because I can't stop it.

This is what I have spun. Now I have to wear it, with hopes of it keeping me warm.