July 31, 2012

This is Not a Love Poem

I just want to capture all the words you say,
And eat them when I'm starved for confidence
Because you say them in such a way
That makes me unafraid of being bold.
Every time I want to scream out loud
It's your voice resonating in my mind
And as if you can read the troubles in my brows,
You seem to cradle my face to smooth them out.
Sometimes I suddenly find thoughts of you
And I'm surprised by their presence in my mind,
Dreamily traveling to my fingertips and toes
And I don't really know what I'm feeling.
I'm unfazed by your teasing remarks
As we banter back and forth, a word wrestle,
And I don't mind losing it all to you
Because you bring a certain excitement to the air,
That I find myself craving.
Your gestures exasperate me,
But they also elicit such a happiness,
So I must be going crazy
For you, for me to let you wholeheartedly.
You put a meaning into time
As I sit here breathing it into a smile,
And I'm still at a loss at this unexpected gain
Of something so sublime and so lovely.

July 23, 2012


It's an invasion of the mind
Domination of the heart,
The rattle of chains is my lullaby
And I sleep knowing it will never depart.

July 14, 2012


The sun is packing up after a busy day,
Collecting its light and its warmth.
The sky is left with its departing steps
And we can trace it to the horizon line.
That's where we wave goodbye to it
And whisper hello to the moon. 
There is a stillness in darkness always,
But if we listened carefully
There is an orchestra of crickets
Singing the day's song to us.

July 9, 2012

La plume

 La plume glisse doucement dans l’air
Comme un doux chant
Un taquin chuchotement,
Une pièce de ciel

Mais être ici maintenant,
Ce n’est pas sans les bagarres,
Les peines de coeur,
Cette plume, qui a tombé d’un oiseau

Je me souviendrai toujours
Mon voyage à ce jour
Alors les mémoires ne me hantent pas,
Mais me rappellent que ma vie est belle

Comme la plume qui vole,
Qui porte tous ses bonheurs et tristesses,
Parce que dans le fin, la douleur est rien,
À part du vol.

July 8, 2012

Letting Go

I've held on, so tightly, for so long
That I didn't even notice
The blood caked beneath my fingernails,
My hand that bled and dried every time
I think that I've lost conviction
In myself, in us, in life.

But now it's time to let go
Because the past betrayed me
And I believed in its promises,
Though it hurts to unbend the iron grip,
All I ended up seeing, is emptiness
In the palm of my hand.