September 19, 2011

The White Room

I have walked the roads of my arteries and veins,
I have traveled from atop the grooved paths
Marked by the memories of the passing years and passersby,
To the lands that move, where lies the ten cold mountain peaks.
I have met all kinds of people, strange yet familiar,
And I have tasted what they tasted, smelled what they smelled,
That even on unexplored grounds, I feel uncannily at home, safe
Until I chanced upon a passage that led to a white room.
It is mysterious and boundless and ineffably warm,
Even with its bare walls that reflected white in no light,
It is nothing I have ever seen and everything I've seen,
I touched the walls gently, curiously, and it touched me back
I took a deep breath and shivered, and the walls fluttered
As if afraid, and closed up the opening from whence I came,
I was trapped and panicked as the walls started to quake,
So I bang on them, whose whiteness and blankness
Saturated my blinded eyes, until I bled.
I screamed and cried and all I could hear
Were unending echoes of my own screams and cries
Until I stopped and they desisted and became silent beatings.
I laid on the floor resigned and listless,
Listening to the drumming in my head,
Then I observed red seeping through the impenetrable walls,
And I was washed with and floated in waves of red,
I tasted of the blood and iron in my mouth,
And I finally realized and have always known where I was.
I came to investigate my heart and was trapped inside
Because it closed itself from you, and I came to
Understand, but was confused by all the contents removed.
My heart is an empty white room.