September 24, 2011

Left 4 Love

The sky was an unnatural gray with a tint of red,
Reflecting your decaying skin and all the recent blood shed,
I watched in unbearable horror as your head
Dipped down to your unmoving victim and you fed
And teared hungrily into her flesh, a mouthful of
Her heart, her blood covered your hands, a pair of red gloves.

I stood there, in the middle of the empty, glass-littered street,
Where smoke rose from buildings like arms in defeat,
And the overturned cars in lampposts were radiating heat,
Warming up the touches of winter's feet,
And though I was silent, there were sounds of absent screams
Ringing in my mind, enshrouding me like opaque steam.

I shivered and you caught my movement in the corner of your eye
You turned slowly and rose to your feet, and inside, I felt myself die,
I can never forget the moment you told me, I laughed thinking it was a joke, a lie,
And as the disease coursed through your body, we said our painful goodbye,
And I cried and cried and ran like you told me,
That you did not want me to see what you will be--

Come, your now apathetic eyes are whispering to me,
And I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, as if undersea,
You shuffled towards me, despite tripping over debris,
You reached out to touch me, but I uttered a soft plea,
I was afraid, but this time I will not flee,
For the sake of setting both you and I free.

I raised my arms shakily and pointed my gun,
Aimed for your head and you paused, stunned,
I stifled my cry, pulled the trigger, and suddenly, it was all done
I collapsed to the ground, becoming undone.
I looked over at your fallen body, forever dead, on the accumulating snow,
Crawled towards it and watched your blood flow with woe,

I hung my head and stared at your changed, yet familiar face,
Your opened eyes, a sorrow in them I wish I could erase,
Your blood-stained lips my fingers lightly traced,
The same blood that dotted my face which the gun displaced,
I placed my hand on your dead heart as the snowflakes fell,
The same bullet that went through you, went through me as well.

I stood up and beheld the cold sky stained red
I heaved a sigh and it materialized like the clouds overhead
I did not notice the tears on my cheek turning red as they thread
Over the blood that you have spread,
And I'll never forget the last words you said,
Your love, your smile, and with this, I look bravely ahead,
At the broken world for which you have bled.