October 23, 2010

Where Do You Exist?

There's something nagging at my core
And I felt its tingling effects throughout
The labyrinthine lines of my being.
I've almost forgotten how you took a quill
And carefully carved into my heart
A curse to cure my missing you.
Your touch, a potent anesthesia,
Makes me forget the delirious pain
I am supposed to feel, which
Has now graced me with its presence
Reminding me of your absence.
The ink, like a poison, spreads like wings
Coursing throughout my entire body
Imprinting its mark on my cells,
A mark blood can't wash away,
And I'm held a permanent hostage.
I'm drinking in the words on the page
Like they came from your hands
The cancerous letters, marching
One after the other, lines and lines
Of seemingly inert words
But I've been infected by their power,
As they reach their hands out
And caught and enveloped me, like air.
I'm kneeling on the ground in the rain
The puddles of God's fallen tears, like ink,
I look upwards, arching my back,
Letting the water wash over me,
Before it hits the ground, turning into ink.
My arms and hands, spread out,
Offering to some unknown deity
Whatever it is It chooses to take,
To have you brought back to me,
To have our fingers reef-knot tangled,
So that we may weather this storm
Together, but I find myself empty.
The darkness eclipses my sight
My pupils grow larger, engulfing light,
Trying to catch every creeping shadow
But everything is melting away,
Weeping sadly for some unknown reason
And I'm drowning in this world.
I'm sinking deeper and deeper
Into my mind, splotches of ink,
Where memories and a distant you reside
And I'm lost in your image.
I scream, but it sounds so far away,
I cradle your words and ate them up
Seeding an ineffable insatiability.
I feel like I've slept for a thousand years
But I awoke in your arms,
Your smile, a sun, shining on and on
And I can't help but smile along,
For some unknown reason,
And I'm so touched, it hurts.

Irrational poem. I need to spill some of my irrationality...
So I don't get too lost in my fantastical world.
Published on the 24th of October, 2010.