October 26, 2010

Sonnet for that Girl

I remember the day I observed her
She walked against the strong wind from the South
Her hair flying wildly, such an allure
Intrigue played on the corner of her mouth
As she brushes with grace, hair from her eyes--
Her eyes, mud I would happily sink in.
She is like the moon in the daylight skies,
Her beauty obvious, if you're looking,
Though I must say she's nowhere near perfect.
She'd catch your eye for a second, or more,
Then looks away to escape the dissect
Only to leave your heart racing and soar.
To know and feel what she can do in this
Short time, makes me want to know who she is.

Published on the 29th of October.
This is the sonnet I wish some mysterious guy would write about me... Lol!