August 25, 2010


I am a phoenix,
The twin brother of Lazarus,
An earthworm,
I will rise again.

August 24, 2010


It's more than a hundred and nine degrees
My blood is evaporating
My brain gasping and pulsating
And for a moment I drifted out of my body.
I'm losing faith in humanity.

August 23, 2010

The Urge to Cry

Not because I'm sad,
Not because I'm angry,
But the overwhelming
At how everything is unraveling,
Is bubbling beneath my being.
I just want to cry.

August 18, 2010

E On the Fuel Meter

Putt, putt, putt
Stuck in a rut
Give me a coke & rum
Do you have hitchhiker's thumb?

Stuck out in nowhere
This is more than I can bear
Do I dare
To not care?

Hazard lights on the side
Of the road, seeking a ride
The darkening of night,
When will I see a light?

My feet are moving
But I feel like a parked car, proving
That I'm running on something,
Perhaps electricity or automatic wings?

I've lost my transportation
But during my meditation
I discovered a way to keep going:
Every movement is your heart's knowing.
So just ignite that internal engine,
You can do more than you imagine.

August 11, 2010

For My Love

If you are reading this
You know these are the words
I can't utter with ease
Let alone sung like a bird

But I want you to know
How much I appreciate
You, and no,
Love does not rate

I can only say through poetry
(Because it's what I'm good at)
That my adoration is growing like a sacred tree
So let's just leave it at that

But just one more thing, if I may
Though it's my name, you are the shining ray.

August 10, 2010


I remember when I was young
I had this art program
There was this function
That you could use.
It was a dynamite.
And after all you've drawn
And after all you've made
Just one click,
And it all goes away,
Wipes everything blank.
The way it happened
Is quite spectacular actually.
I wish I had this function
In real life.

August 9, 2010

Ode to Thunder

It's raining
And it's grey
But the thunder
Acts like sun's rays

And everything
Would seem right,
If not for rain bullets,
Because it's so bright

I can't say enough
Of its magnificence
Or how it tickles
All of my senses.

August 7, 2010

The Core

What I feel like,
Is the space between
Two repelling magnets,
I just can't get close enough
To you.
And no matter
How hard I try,
I'll be the Waldo
That wasn't drawn in,
No matter how hard
You look, you just can't find me.
I see you across the canyon,
We make gestures to meet,
Only to have you go
East and I go West,
O, fortune's fool.
The distance amnesic,
I see familiarity in you,
As we pass shoulders,
We both look back
At the same time,
But not knowing
How to reach each other,
As the magnetic force
Kicks in again.
A heart's promise made,
I shall venture,
I shall strive,
To Earth's inner core,
And that is where
We shall meet,
And melt into
Each other's arms.

August 4, 2010

Downtown Toronto After Class

The sky was licking a cherry lollipop
Turning its once blue tongue
Into shades of red, pink, and purple.
The air, the breath of a boa constrictor,
Breathing down my back,
And I wonder if the man who passed me
Was also wrapped in its power.
The ambiance is stiller than usual,
The flies like scabs on once open flesh,
And the only noise I hear
Is the incessant buzzing of air conditioners.
While walking through deserted streets,
A black cat crossed my path,
And I wonder if I'm cursed with bad luck.
I walk upon lifeless sidewalks,
Some blocks drenched in sprinkler water.
There are firefly lights permanently perched
On those familiar, disconnected buildings.
The tower still pokes through,
Like the tall kid that stand at the back
During class photo shoots.
Step after step, I relinquish my eyes
Of their observing duties,
As I open the door to my dwelling.

August 3, 2010

Will You?

I've ran out of ink to write you my love,
Will you accept it written in blood?
I've lost my empathy,
Will you settle for sympathy?
My beauty is trickling down
Like the water outside a cold bottle of Coke,
Will you still savour my presence?
I lost a bet and traded my soul to Lucifer,
In return for your guaranteed happiness,
Will you still like the person that I am?
I saw you, so happy with another,
And I became the last drop of water,
Falling from the faucet,
Will you pull the plug and
Let me drain down the pipes into the vast unknown?
And if I told you I no longer loved you,
Because I know you'll be better off without me,
Will you hold it against me?
And if I called out your name,
Despite everything that has happened,
Will you still be by my side?
Will you still love wholeheartedly?
Will I still love unquestioningly?
It's in our will.

August 2, 2010

Dead Cold

I sat beneath the shower head,
Turning the temperature knob
Higher and higher still.
That first splash of hot water
Reminds me that I am human
Reminds me as a flash of memory
Screeches by in front of me.
The hot water now feels warm to me,
As I turn the knob
Incrementally more to the left,
I need the heat, it's a need.
The hotter the water gets,
The lower my capacity to love,
And everything turns ugly,
Friendships become gossip,
Air becomes poison,
Time becomes a dictator,
And the hot water now
Feels dead cold to me,
When will it end?