August 4, 2010

Downtown Toronto After Class

The sky was licking a cherry lollipop
Turning its once blue tongue
Into shades of red, pink, and purple.
The air, the breath of a boa constrictor,
Breathing down my back,
And I wonder if the man who passed me
Was also wrapped in its power.
The ambiance is stiller than usual,
The flies like scabs on once open flesh,
And the only noise I hear
Is the incessant buzzing of air conditioners.
While walking through deserted streets,
A black cat crossed my path,
And I wonder if I'm cursed with bad luck.
I walk upon lifeless sidewalks,
Some blocks drenched in sprinkler water.
There are firefly lights permanently perched
On those familiar, disconnected buildings.
The tower still pokes through,
Like the tall kid that stand at the back
During class photo shoots.
Step after step, I relinquish my eyes
Of their observing duties,
As I open the door to my dwelling.