May 9, 2012


"Your tough exterior houses a heart too good for this world,"
He tells me, breaking my walls, as he walks away.
These doors of my life, have opened and closed
And I don't know how to say goodbye anymore.
I want to open the window and breathe the air
But I fear the uninvited guests that crawl in,
So I'm leaving, I'm leaving all that behind
As I jump out of the window and onto the earth.
I wonder many things, as seconds tick away,
In tune with my step and my blood pounding,
I wonder if there is any part of the ground
That I tread, that has never been touched before.
So I'm walking, I'm walking 'till my bones break
And I'm drinking my blood to quench my thirst
My hair, wisps of smoke, intertwining with wind's hands,
And the moment I stop, is the moment my shadow fades into the dark.