May 22, 2012

No Air

The floor is strewn with the broken past
And I don't know where to step
So I don't fall and cut myself with them

My heart is in discord
A snake eating its own tail
I am consumed but I want it to stop.

But I don't know how
I don't know how
My courage diminishes from disuse

It is easy for you to think otherwise
Because you have more light in your life
You have the fight that I can no longer muster

It has been such a long road
Traveling day and night
I can no longer differentiate between start and end

Lost to the point, I don't know what to do with myself
Why can't I just lay in the middle of the path and wait?
It's all the same anyway

People are unforgiving and cruel
Acting as if they never knew me at all
Saying kind words without meaning them

Publicize our problems and my troubles
Without thinking it through
Letting biased strangers judge harshly

It's always about what I say or partially say
I'm always in the wrong,
So why can't you understand my silence?

I'm already wrapped in chains
Don't toss me into the ocean
Like I'm someone who deserves to die