July 9, 2011


The light breaks through the dark,
An ever-occurring mark,
And consumes the dusk
Diffusing a dewy musk

The light ruffles the leaves outside my window
I crack open my curtained eyes to the moving row
of trees and I smile at the sight
As I reach my hand up at the imagined height

I close my eyes and felt the rays
On my face, like your fingers' caress from long-ago days
And I savour it, absorbed by my skin,
The fragmented light, my pupils are now drinking in

The day is like any other I've collected in my heart
But I still love it like a beautiful piece of art
Something that I cannot part
with, because it marks a new age's start

Today marks the first day of the twenty-second year of my life.
I don't feel any different, honestly, but I do feel that my day was brighter.
Another birthday I will remember, for sure. <3