July 31, 2011


It's been a minute and a day
Since I last talked to you
As I close the curtains to the ending day
Thoughts of you filed into my mind,
Making up scenes that never happened
And I find myself rehearsing unwritten scripts
An attempt to fill the gap caused by your absence
And the more I thought, the more you flood my mind
I find myself floating in the endless ocean of you
I give in to the current and sink without struggle.

I am walking the tracks of time,
And everywhere I turn,
I catch a shadow at the corner of my eye
And I pretend it's us playing hide-and-seek,
You, hiding behind the curve of my smile,
And you just can't escape,
You refuse to escape,
And I don't want to escape.
I am the feather blown from your hand,
I am floating gently in your power.

I'm running down the long corridor,
Each step an echo of your heartbeat,
Bursting in my mind, pulsating,
Intensely, incessantly,
And I thrive on it.
You sat there with the remote in your hand,
You rewound the tape and pressed play,
And I find myself re-enacting
The scene that so pleases you,
And I'm happy.