December 12, 2008

The Hospital

The white walls are shining
As light breaks through
The swinging doors

The long hallways
Millions of rooms, searching
For anonymous patients

Scattered people
Smiling people
Despairing people

Running feet
Running doctors
Running tears

The smell of alcohol
Diffusing from the nurse’s hand
Medicine, needles

The men in white
Rushing to the rooms
Names being called overhead

Beeping from the heart monitor
New lives’ cry ringing out
Screaming commands echoing

Weeping happiness
Weeping hope
Weeping loss

Systems of lines and tubes
Holding on with just one breath
Isolated, standing on the turning point

News of unavoidable accidents
News of unforgiving truth
News of innocent newborns

Splatter of blood
Dripping of cold sweat
Drumming of death marching

Light from the blue sky
Light on the operation table
Light fading away

And I’m standing there
Witnessing the chance
Grasped, or slipping

Not knowing his story
Or her sorrows, or of the
Evil crawling beneath their skin

I’m thinking
Of the people
Of the thoughts running

Through their minds
Their want, their need
Their desire of feeling

Their lover’s touch
The wind’s fingers
One last December

One last walk
Through life’s paintings
One last laugh…

Then silence.

Writer's note: the hospital is probably the only place that holds such polar-opposite emotions, situations...