How do you love
When you have felt
The depths of heartbreak?
How do you break
The clasps of doubt,
That bind you to your past?
How can you trust again
If the lies taunt you
Whenever the truth is shadowed?
How do you stand up
When your soul is battered
From wars with the other, and yourself?
From wars with the other, and myself
My soul is battered and worn,
But I must stand up.
I have got to fight the shadows,
Fight against the lies, taunting me,
I will trust the light of truth.
I will always be my past,
I am not impervious to doubt,
But it will not hold me prisoner.
And though I have nearly drowned
In my sorrows and heartbreaks,
I survived and I realized, and I believe:
I must love right.
I have the right to love.
I have the right to be loved.
For how can I not love,
When the love is right,
When love, rights.