February 9, 2015

The Answer

They were silently waiting for their food to come when she suddenly remembered her dream.With the want of its interpretation, she asked him,

"Will you help me with this dream I had? I don't understand it at all, but I remember it so distinctly."

"Let's hear it then." His eyes on her, giving her his full attention.

"I don't remember the whole dream, just this one part. I was filling out... a form?" she began, casting her eyes down on the table as she spoke. "And one of the questions required you to write down a "long" math problem of your choosing. In my dream, I had thought of one to write down, it was like, a derivative equation of sorts... I wrote down the entire thing, the entire process, but for some reason, I didn't solve the problem, even though I knew how to solve the problem. It was so strange... What does it mean?!"

He glanced at her knowingly,

"Isn't it obvious?"

She gave him a confused look.

Steadfastly, he said,

"You know the answer, but won't face the fact that you've known all along... You've always known the answer..."