They were silently waiting for their food to come when she suddenly remembered her dream.With the want of its interpretation, she asked him,
"Will you help me with this dream I had? I don't understand it at all, but I remember it so distinctly."
"Let's hear it then." His eyes on her, giving her his full attention.
"I don't remember the whole dream, just this one part. I was filling out... a form?" she began, casting her eyes down on the table as she spoke. "And one of the questions required you to write down a "long" math problem of your choosing. In my dream, I had thought of one to write down, it was like, a derivative equation of sorts... I wrote down the entire thing, the entire process, but for some reason, I didn't solve the problem, even though I knew how to solve the problem. It was so strange... What does it mean?!"
He glanced at her knowingly,
"Isn't it obvious?"
She gave him a confused look.
Steadfastly, he said,
"You know the answer, but won't face the fact that you've known all along... You've always known the answer..."