June 14, 2013

Happy Birthday Homie!

It was a dark night when Batman received a call from the Kommissioner. There was an anxiety in Kommissioner Jay's voice and so Batman responded with a resolute, "I'll be there." He got to the place that Jay had mentioned. The door popped open easily and there was darkness in the room. Batman then carefully turned on the light switch...
SURPRISE! It turns out his homies threw him a surprise birthday party. Batman was this close to throwing out his smoke bomb. But thank God he didn't.
Yeah, lame story. lol

The two pictures combined because of my poor judgement of page space when I doodled.

June 11, 2013

I'm learning something Asian!

I couldn't resist taking a picture of the filling before I put another layer of rice and wrapping it up. And look at my super cool nailpolish! Although it looks silvery-blue, it can also look green! :O

This picture, the next one, and the last one were taken by my dad. I just wanted to post this one because it shows my legendary teddy bear apron. Heh heh.

Team work! Actually, it's just my mom helping me/showing me how to tie it up.
As I slowly get the hang of it... This might've been the prettiest one I made, lol.

My first sticky rice dumpling! (I don't really know why it's called a dumpling...)

The first batch. I'm proud to say that at least a few in there are mine. :D
I was much too young when I first learned about the history of this "holiday." So I had to look it up again.
...It's a pretty cool story
Maybe I have panda blood in me... because I thought that these bamboo leaves actually smell pretty good. o.O
It was pretty difficult to learn at first, but the more I made, the easier it got!
I'm kinda proud of it! :)

June 10, 2013

"Are you happy?"

I'm happiest when you're here. 

June 8, 2013

Road Trip!

Driving in the Wagon Queen Family Truckster!
Eating ice cream. Reading under the shade of a tree. Enjoying some nice scenery. Having fun in the water.

I originally wanted to shade it more and maybe colour it. Then I was like, "No." Hahaha!  

June 5, 2013


There is bitterness in the way I ball up my hands
Because I'm sad, because I'm angry, because
I'm trying hard to open up the shell
That you frightened me back into

There is a difference in our thoughts
Of who I should be,
And I don't know who to please
So I'm stuck in purgatory, where,

Yeah, the ghosts are haunting me,
The ghosts are haunting me,
And I'm in hiding.