February 25, 2013

I still feel bad...

Dear tjoe,

I'm sorry for shooting you when we played CS:GO, when it was just the two of us left plus a terrorist on the other team. I just saw movement out of the corner of my eyes so I shot first, asked questions later. ;__;

So here, have a super cookie on me. Promise I didn't lick it first.


OOO Lame Jay, lame Jay!
Shut up Hungry!

February 21, 2013

Some Days

On some days, simply getting out of bed
Is an achievement.

February 15, 2013

Memories I - On Singing

As I was sitting in the car today, listening to the radio, I'm reminded of the time when I auditioned for vocal jazz at my high school... because Bryan Adams' song, "Heaven"  was playing and that was the song I chose for the "freestyle" part of the audition. (Well I actually sang the song in this key...)

I remember how nervous I was because I'm rather shy, so singing in public is definitely not my forte. But I used to be brave. So I sucked it up. (Well, it's also that I wanted to impress the drummer for vocal jazz, haha.) The first part involved singing music that my band teacher handed out. It was a song called "Puttin' on the Ritz." One page. It was rather simple, but I practiced for hours with my keyboard so I'd hit each note perfectly.

As for the second piece that we were allowed to choose ourselves, I was undecided for the longest time on it. I remember wanting to sing Delta's "Not Me, Not I" (it was my favourite song at the time) or Delta's "Be Strong." They're all ballads, so... 

On the day of the audition, I was the last one to go because I was beyond nervous. I remember having the pianist press the C key over and over again because being so nerve-wrecked, I had trouble hitting the note right, haha. But I finally did it because everyone else who auditioned before me were all waiting... I think I really surprised my band teacher, lol. He had that impressed look (not unlike Obama's "Not Bad" face, lol) and commented, "Wow. That was good." Then everyone started urging me to sing my other piece, but I was about to pass out so I said that I was unprepared. Then they kept telling me to wing it and I was like "No." So I got lucky and was able to reschedule the second part.

After some fumbling about, I decided on "Heaven," and went into my band teacher's office that day after school. I remember that he was busy with something and he had his back turned to me while I announced that I was here to do my audition. He didn't really say anything (awkward, lol, I think he probably forgot) so I mumbled that I was going to sit down while I sang because I was feeling light-headed. I then started singing... probably after the first verse, he turned around, looked at me and sort of scolded me and told me to stand up while I sang, lol. And so I did and ended the song after I finished the second chorus... It was still super awkward because he went back to doing his thing, as if I'm his radio or something. So then I mumbled that I was done and thanked him for listening and shuffled out of his office.

About halfway through that audition, my dear friend (actually a bunch of my friends came and expected to watch me audition because they thought it'd take place in the band room like last time and they really wanted to hear me sing -__- lol) walked into the hallway outside my band teacher's office and listened to me sing. I remember her giving me the thumbs up as she stood there and listened and I almost wanted to laugh while I sang.

A day or two after, my band teacher posted the list of names of people that made it... My name was the first one under the "Altos" section. It was a really happy day. One I'll never forget...

...I grew up listening to this station called 103.5 qmfm. It plays a lot of soft rock, pop... well you know what, that station plays a lot of different genres. I really enjoy it. As I was listening to it today, I remember how much I used to enjoy a lot of songs like, The Eagles' "Hotel California." I don't know why I liked that song so much, being at the age that I was. There was something mystical, something haunting about that song that frightened me... I guess that's what I loved about it. I also really enjoyed Lou Bega's "Mambo No. 5." Hahaha, that song always makes me laugh and makes me want to dance. Boogey down! I also remember that I hated Macy Gray's "I Try" song. I don't know, maybe it was the screechy violin opening or her voice, but I just did not like it when that song would come on the radio station. It scared me for some reason. I also didn't like Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive." I like this song slightly better now though, lol.

I feel the need to tell another story whenever I think about 103.5 qmfm. They used to have (actually, I'm not sure if they still have it or not) this segment on friday nights where they play songs by request and they sometimes add in a little story that has to do with why the person requested the song. Anyway. Being a young girl that I was, I was not impervious to the boy band fever, so at the time, I wanted to listen to *NSYNC's "Bye Bye Bye." (My favourite, by the way, is JC and not Justin. *wink*) Lol, so I wrote in, pretending I was somebody else, requesting that they play this song because I wanted to break up with my boyfriend, "Josh." Hahaha and they played it! I remember the radio host was all like, "Good luck to you guys..." before he played the song. It was super hilarious, I was jumping around in my room.

Years passed and a lot of the radio hosts that I used to listen to and grown familiar with their voices have apparently left... It's kind of sad. But with memories like these, it doesn't seem so sad afterall...

February 14, 2013

Gentleman Hedgehog

Your average, though super charming hedgehog by day...

Gentleman hedgehog by night. :O

My favourite part of Pride & Prejudice

"While settling this point, she was suddenly roused by the sound of the door bell, and her spirits were a little fluttered by the idea of its being Colonel Fitzwilliam himself, who had once before called late in the evening, and might now come to enquire particularly after her. But this idea was soon banished, and her spirits were very differently affected, when, to her utter amazement, she saw Mr Darcy walk into the room. In an hurried manner he immediately began an enquiry after her health, imputing his visit to a wish of hearing that she were better. She answered him with cold civility. He sat down for a few moments, and then getting up walked about the room. Elizabeth was surprised, but said not a word. After a silence of several minutes, he came towards her in an agitated manner, and thus began,

'In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.'"


In honour of Valentine's Day, I thought I'd post this little excerpt from Pride & Prejudice. I think it fitting. It's my favourite bit from the book, though I know not why. I think it's because it signifies a bravery, a start, a re-evaluation of sorts... Anyway.

I can recite that line from Darcy verbatim. I love it. I think it's how I've decided that ardent is my all-time favourite word.

February 12, 2013

Sneak Peek...

A little looksie at The Fellowship of Steam, Pt. II. ;)

I don't normally like to post things I'm still working on, but I'm rather proud of this.
;__; Because, as you know, I can't draw anything human...

February 8, 2013

Heavy Hearted

You lay down bricks with such precision,
One on top of another, building a house on my chest,
One so heavy and filled with despair,
Its foundations dug deep and deeply rooted,  
Leaving only enough room for one last sigh,
Turning my heart into a grave.

February 6, 2013

Sweater Weather Song Doodle

The sharp sign is the sun. The cloud, birds, sea, waves, and beach make up the staff. Rest is self-explanatory.
This was a fast doodle. Sorry it looks so lame. ;__;

February 5, 2013

Lord of the Games: The Fellowship of Steam Pt. 1

Fighting our way to Mount Achievement, all the while under the watchful Eye of Valve.

A closer look at our weapons.

A closer look at the Eye of Valve.

This doodle came from the suggestion of my dear friend Rogue, who said "You should doodle the Fellowship of Steam."
Good job Rogue. 
So after asking each of the birdies what their top three favourite weapons are, from any games they've played, this is the result. I, unfortunately, could not possibly draw all the weapons they mentioned, so I drew a horse which will carry the extra weapons and a good supply of food, snacks, clothes, oh and Mountain Dew. 

Here is a list of things that each of us are carrying, from left to right:
1. Wizard Dizzeh is carrying his Fallout New Vegas Euclid's C-Finder. He possesses the Telekinesis Plasmid, as his left hand demonstrates. 
2. Elf Squidy is carrying his unsheathed Mugen's Sword and on his back is Evie's Sycthe. His Barret .50 Sniper Rifle is being carried by our horse. 
3. Human t-joe is upholding his dual-ended lightsabre in his left hand, while his right is holding Ronon's gun. His Perfect Dark Machine Gun Briefcase can be found the horse. 
4. Hobbit Nick is wielding his Killing Floor Combat Shotgun. His L4D2 Sniper Rifle and KF FAL with the scope are both carried by the horse.
5. Elf Jay is carrying her Borderlands' Pestilent Defiler in her right hand, while she wields a katana in her left. On her back is a L4D2 medkit. Her Doom3 Machine Gun is on the horse.
6. Wizard Rogue is firing his m1911, whilst carrying his AWP with his left hand. His H.F. Blade is left sheathed on his belt. For now.

February 4, 2013

A Title-less Piece

As per my coo friend t-joe's request, this is what came to mind when he suggested, "Towering inferno." 
Well, I had planned on adding silhouettes of a burning city and a tree perhaps, but then I took a step back and thought this was sufficient.
That, or I got lazy...

Anyway. This is the second drawing I did for this... doodle. 
I screwed up the first one because I drew in the little critters first before I painted.
I screwed up the background because the watercolour dried before I could blend it. 
And the black pen I used wasn't water-proof. -__- 
SO, this time around, I painted the background first, and then drew in our creature selves. 
I didn't bother too much with colouring them in because I thought that it kind of looked like we're so surrounded by fire that we reflect the fire... 
That's what I'm sticking with.
And the shadow on our bodies can be interpreted as shadows.. or us crisping up. 
You decide. :D

After I was done, I just sat there, looking at this, and I couldn't come up with a good idea for a title.
Normally, that's a pretty fun part of doodling -- coming up with a name for it.
But this time, maybe because there's so little elements in it, I had trouble thinking of an appropriate one.
At first I thought I wanted to name it "Oops..." 
Or "Campfire Gone Wrong"?
Then I was like, "Put It On the BBQ"? 
"We Just Like to Watch the World Burn"? 
"Marshmellow World"?
"The Dancing Flames Within Us"? (Yeah, this one's super cheese.)
"Ooo, colours! Oh Wait, Lord Jesus, it's FIRE!"?

I just can't decide.

February 1, 2013

La dernière feuille sur l’arbre

Notre amour, ce n’est pas bien isolé
Alors, je trouve que j’ai toujours froide
Et je suis toujours seule et je demande,
Où es-tu, quand je t’ai besoin beaucoup?

Mes mains sont serrées, fortes,
Parce qu’elles contiennent ma chaleur et mon espoir,
Mais maintenant, je me demande, cette dernière feuille,
Est-ce qu'elle est notre amour, ou moi?