November 9, 2011


You walk down the downtrodden path
And you wear the mud up to your knees
The splash marks like hands clawing
Up your legs, but you walk on unconcerned

You twirl the young spring leaves between your fingers
As you walk by the branches that reach out to you
The same way you twirled her hair absentmindedly,
The scent of jasmine playing in the air

You throw up into the air, the white petals you gathered
From the jasmines that you saw growing in the passing fields
And some float gently like feathers of a fallen bird,
Some are blown into the sky by the wind and became clouds

You breathe deeply and is reminded of her
You open up your book and found the lock of hair
That she had given to you, right next to the leaf
Of that bright spring morning, that you picked and pressed

The rain pours down, a meteor shower,
And you wish you were back in that memory you hold dear
And each step you take leaves a mark of you behind
As you walk up the road that leads to her life

You knock gently on the door of her house,
But the only response was silence
You turn the rusty door knob and stepped in,
And all you saw, was dark emptiness

You look down at the dusty floor
And saw the same footsteps that you had left
Years ago, walking out the door,
And next to it, fallen knees and water drops

You walk up the creaky stairs
Running your hands on the unpolished railing,
And you stood in the doorway of her room,
Soft and softly lighted

You sat on her bed, a once familiar place,
And you remember the words she said to you,
The only true words you've ever known,
And there are words in you that you wish you'd told her,

And it has taken you so long to get here,
And you wonder why you left in the first place
As you reach for the dress she left on the floor
You can still smell her presence in it,
And you smile into the fabric,
As you lie back on her bed and fall into eternal sleep.

Published: Nov. 12th, 2011.