November 19, 2011


I passed by a man with a noose around his neck
He was crying and pleading with unknown deities
But the moment we met eye to eye, he stopped,
His silence now crying pity for me as his neck snapped
And I continued on, my head hung solemnly

The lingering scent of happiness was fading
Along with my character and consciousness,
They were chased away by the remembrance
Of that deed with the best intentions turned rotten
And replaced with temporary joys and fleeting smiles

I startled awake at where my lifeless thoughts left off
Though they have already plagued my dreams
And I rehearsed them, amended them endlessly,
And I tossed and turned in agony of their impotence,
And I eventually opened my eyes to the welling of tears.

I am forgotten but I cannot forget
How the albatross pierced my heart
And was brutally drowned in my blood
And I feel it everyday, its weight
As I live with it upon my head,
Inside my heart, in limbo.