June 22, 2011

A Misunderstanding

I am the contents of a glass you toppled over,
Rain splayed across your window,
You trace each droplet with your finger tip,
I can feel your warmth through the glass,
Until I disappear off of the surface,
Falling to darkness.

You turned and walked away,
Turning off the lights as the storm raged on.
I'm knocking on your window,
But you don't hear me amidst all other noises.
You think I have left you,
When I have the same thoughts about you too.

The swirling ceiling with crawling shadows,
Dance to my silent tears,
Performing an act of hypnosis, and
As I lay staring, hopelessly lost,
Tossed into the sea with a straitjacket on,
I wonder how you felt.

I am thrown into the depths of my mind,
I am held prisoner by realities that do not exist,
I dreamt of you, but I am afraid --
Guilt by the mistakes I did not make.
I am running from you,
In hopes you will choose to chase after me.

But when I turned around,
All I saw, was darkness.