March 5, 2013

He got a PENTA-KILL!

When I was somehow convinced to play against bots with other people, I witnessed for the first time ever, a penta-kill... somewhere amongst the 25 kills, my awesome friend Rogue, achieved. :O *standing ovation* And if I may just add, I, myself, have the highest amount of assists and the least number of deaths. Heh heh.
I would've posted a screenshot I took during the game, but it turned out all black. ;__; This stats page will have to do.

Grr, this game is so addicting, yet so frustrating! I don't even know how I got a score of 2977 before! Why am I even playing this game at 3:30 in the morning?! Also, I don't even know how my mashing of the keyboard ever got me an accuracy of 90%... Now I have a headache. Whoop. I will have to try this again later today.
Sometimes being ambitious can be a bad thing...