December 27, 2011


I lay supine and I pine for you
I lay quiet in the dark room
And I touch my shadow on the wall
Cold and flat, alone
In the only light from my laptop
I touch my lips absentmindedly
And the smiles that were there
Are ghosts now
And the tears that roll down
Carry drowned memories in them
Breaking apart on fabric
And I knew from the start
That you'd cause me heartache
But my palms are still facing down
As I type, as I give you more
Than I should, like always
But I didn't mind
And I don't know why
My heart is open to you
But you tear it apart
As your paranoia cuffs my hands
And you accuse me of things
Like you've never known me
But you tell me to come to you
And I do, obediently,
And as I sob painfully into your chest
You press me into you, smothering,
Until I stop moving
And you lay me down gently,
Supine on the ground
And I'm still pining.