September 17, 2010


That last puff of cigarette
No longer has any effect
Doctor, doctor, will you help me?
The smoke just comes in and out
But I don't feel a thing.
Just lie on the table
And remove your clothes
I'm going to insert this knife in you
It may hurt a little.
I don't feel a thing.
Oh my my my,
What darkness and anguish in you,
Spilling out messily everywhere
Let me open your rib cage a little more
Don't hold back, just let it all out
Say, how do you feel?
Better than before.


My heart is an anchor
Broken off the chain
Sinking until it hits a surface
And there it shall lie
For centuries to come
In eternal sleep
Beneath the sediments and water

Rolling around in its sleep
Like it's dreaming a nightmare
Rolling until it lands on a water mine
And exploded.


It has become that when
Thoughts formulate in my mind
They refuse to leave my body.
As they edge closer to my mouth,
They develop a skill of ineffability.
There they sit on my tongue
But I swallow them by accident
And I become the thoughts I digest
You can never know them.

Composition started on Aug. 30th, 2010