September 30, 2010


The door is there to come in or to go out
Do you follow the signs or your heart?
We stand here at forked roads,
Pacing the ground, round and round
Do you choose for others or for yourself?
We are bond by invisible strings
One yank there, one tug here,
We can never be out of influence's reach,
But the choice is yours to hold,
Like a little child,
It grows into something,
Like branches of a tree,
There is value in every way,
Every direction.
It's your choice to roll the dice,
But the outcome, you can't control.
All one must do, is muster courage and hope.
But do I have them in my possession?
Even with such bravery, one is still
Exposed to the caprice, taciturn life,
Why do we still choose to love?

Random, random linessss...
Sorta inspired by Firethorn and Galan.