November 19, 2013

These Autumn Days...

I forgot to post this. This is an unripened persimmon from the tree in my backyard! -Almost- kept it as a pet. *shifty eyes*
I love games like this! Hard-earned victories are the most satisfactory. And as Dizzeh mentioned in the chat, look at the kills/deaths score. o_o Oh oh and I have the least deaths and most assists. *wink, nudge nudge* Eh eh? :P
So. I finally made a "Rogue" playlist. Oh and I added Set the Fire to the Third Bar to the list too, because that's Rogue's favourite Snow Patrol song... that's when I knew that I had done something right in life... loool. ONE DAY EVERYONE SHALL BE LOVERS OF SNOW PATROL, BUT GARY LIGHTBODY BELONGS TO ME!... Anywhoo, thanks Rogue for your very good moosic! (Also, a Jay Chou song playing ftw. I haven't listened to Chinese songs in a long while. It was nice.)
My mom and I have been in a biscotti-making fever. This is the third batch we've made. :O I think from afar, this picture looks like the underside of a starfish, lol.