April 9, 2013

The Fellowship of Steam, Pt. II! (with bonus pics)

Wizard Dizzeh with his Fallout New Vegas Euclid's C-Finder and Bioshock 2 Telekinesis Plasmid. Human tjoe with his dual-ended lightsaber and Ronon's handgun.
I drew Dizzeh first on this page, but he was the third one finished in all. tjoe was the last character drawn.
Elf Squidy with his Vindictus Evie's Scythe and Mugen's sword. Elf Jay with her L4D2/KF katana and Borderlands Pestilent Defiler.
 I drew myself first in this doodle. Then Squidy. This is the first page done.
Hobbit Nick with his KF combat shotgun. I got too lazy drawing all the guns. So he only gets one. Wizard Rogue with his Judge Dredd Lawgiver and MGS HF Blade.

I drew Rogue on a new page because I wasn't sure if I could fit him on the same page as Dizzeh. But it's evident that I am a bad judge of space because it looks like Rogue is going to shoot Nick in the head. Not what I intended. -__-
Now, to put it all together!

Another layout.
Now with a BACKGROUND!
This background didn't work out as nicely as I wanted to. So I just stopped there. >.>

Same with this one. <.<
Well. This took like, forever. It shouldn't have, but it did because I procrastinated so badly. And I don't even know why. Because I actually wanted to do this, even though it's hard for me... If that makes any sense. Okay. No more human drawings after this for sure. Yep. Yep. Okay. Maybe.