June 7, 2010


I've never seen you in this light before
All the shadows and creases and scars on your face
Like the markings of an aged book,
Composed of wisdom and weakness
But I still love you, like a collector of antiques

I'm an anchor-less ship floating
Round and round in your head
The currents of your thoughts
Leading me back and forth
To the land of happiness, sadness, and all

I'm in a hot air balloon
Enveloped in intangible clouds.
I am trying to control where I go
But the wind still carries me to someplace unknown.
There are some things you just can't fight against.

I'm treading the ground you've tread
Breathing the same air processed by the tree you planted
We are basked under the same old sun.
These are things I'll never tire of
Simple love endures.

Composition started: May 23rd, 2010