May 27, 2010

Death of Me

The need to please
Will be the death of me.
How can I be my own person,
When I need your permission
To be someone I'm not really?
I tried running,
But never out of your arms' constraint.
There's a constant struggle between
My individualistic and
My conformist self
And I'm torn by anxiety.
When can I start pleasing

May 19, 2010


You say inanimate things can't love you back,
I beg to differ and say otherwise
When you love something,
It makes you feel alive, more alive
Than you ever were before,
And it doesn't matter whether the thing you love
Is living, real, tangible, or not,
For love animates
And through love, an energy that feeds
Through you, the necessary medium,
Can't it be said that the beloved is given life?

May 17, 2010

Eulogy for My Vanilla Ice Cream Cone

Goodbye, goodbye, it was the last time I held your hand
I'll never forget the moment, to the ground slowly, you hit
Oh, you didn't utter a sound and there you laid
As I cried out your name and lamented

Some say that you're bad for me, but I didn't care
I'd rather have had thousands of you than none at all
For I am empty without you
Your coldness is held in by a fallible wall
And only over time, can people understand
How irresistible you are
And your sweet core will overcome all

You never minded the way I looked,
Only that I consumed your love whole
And as time went on, the more I craved
Your presence's impact on my head

As I licked my lips, there imprinted, was your last touch of sweetness
And I thought of all the joyous times we've had together
You were there for my every emotion
And as your coldness bleeds away
My sorrows and curses you also take
And I thank you for your dedication and sacrifice

Perhaps it was the most glorious death
Ye, it was all part of the grander plan
So I won't worry,
For tomorrow night, you will re-incarnate.

I accidentally dropped my cone on the ground *cries* and I transformed into a 5-year-old.
Some lines were composed on the way home but Nick mentioned some "euphemisms" that were perhaps not suitable for public viewing so I took some out to keep it PG-13.

May 12, 2010

The One-Eyed Cat

It has a resolute face
Though it can only see through one eye
Many gave it remarks of pity and sympathy
The superstitious avoided its seeming ominous aura
But still it walks along the fence
Not caring nor seeing
That side of the world
But lost in its own internal eye,
Never blindingly.
Yes, it almost lost its one life
And eight more to explore
Adventurous it was,
And potential and courage,
It has so much more.

Inspired by the earring-turned-pendant cat that my mother gave me.
Happy birthday my dearest Vampire. <3 br="br">P.S. Published on May the 17th.

May 11, 2010

Don't Forget About Me

I don't mind being left behind, alienated
Or how work has taken up all my time with you
I don't care how alluring that girl is
Or whether there are thousands competing for your affection
It doesn't matter if you stopped loving me
Or if I'm absent from your life,

I hope you never forget about me
Because when you do, I cease to exist.

Some Surprise

The songbird whistled early morn
But I do not know whence it had come
In my dreams or in a world within reach

He shot an unconventional smile at me
A stranger as such, eliciting giggles and whispers
From people years past

My defense fell like origami birds
When you pulled me close
As we started dancing on the rain-drenched rooftop

May 6, 2010


I just want to fall madly in love
And for him to love me back, secretly
Feeding the machine of my happiness

Alas, nothing ever comes easily
And he must drop my heart from atop the tallest tree
And watch it shatter into shards

The broken pieces reflected in his eyes
As he look at me,
Hiding his own cracked heart

Inspired by Becoming Jane

May 5, 2010

Seeming Peace

I turn and look to my right
The branches waving madly in the wind
And I sat in my room watching in serenity
Yet my insides are in turmoil as such.

May 2, 2010

Red Candle

The light warms our hearts
And the wax leaks over the edge
Trickling down the sides and freezes
In foreign air

He fires a gun and splatters red
The blood slowly runs cold
As it trails away from the body
Onto the indifferent, hard ground