April 23, 2017

NA LCS 2017 Spring Split Finals!

I'll never forget the deafening roar that erupted in the stadium when we all felt it in all our beings, that they had won. Top 10 feelings.

April 22: Third Placement matches - Flyquest versus Phoenix 1. They had a couple of tables for you to draw signs. Never been so empty-minded (all energy used in excitement). Then took a photo with Amumu (see, I like him, he can be my friend). Casters for this series (Zirene, Kobe, and Riv)! They be my favourites (plus Jatt). And of course, the now infamous pigeon that stole the show and predicted the outcome. What prophetic bird.
April 23: Finals - TSM versus Cloud 9. I came prepared with my own sign. Thought it would be funny to put up a score of 10 for every awesome play that took place. Like how they do it in gymnastics, ha! Can't take photos without making faces.
That's the closest I'll ever come to touching the trophy... Introducing the players... and first blood by TSM! (I may have sat still in my seat, but all my insides were dancing crazily, happily.)
Kobe! *heart* And then... TSM WON! It was such an intense series. The first two games were won so decisively by TSM that we all thought it was going to be a sweep. But nah, TSM decided to give our money's worth for the tickets and lost two games. Last game. Super. Nail. Biting. It was so damn close... but TSM took the opportunity and ran with it and the stadium, the energy in the stadium could power an entire city! That unity, that happiness, that relief, all wrapped into one. It's so overwhelming, I was overflowing with all these colours of emotions that I still cannot describe.
BJERGJERG! *heart* You's mah favouright!

Now, for some miscellaneous photos: 
In-game photo; 
Pigeon champ; 
Biofrost, Vancouver native, woo!; 
The trophy, it gleams; 
Rivington the Third! I like him lots. What a great colour caster; 
Who knew it'd snow indoors!;
Bjergsen hugging Biofrost after winning it in Bio's hometown (something they both wanted). So cute!

All in all, it was a wondrous experience. I love it for the excitement, for the involvement, for sharing the want of a victory with the players. It definitely uplifted something in me. 10/10, would definitely go again.

April 17, 2017


Tiny update. Feels bad that I've been neglecting my little bloggity kingdom because of work. Sakura watercolour. Painted it for an event poster. Woo!