So after drawing Angelina Jolie, I decided to draw my friend, Doug. On
my list of ideas to draw, I wanted to draw a person smoking. Though the
picture I used of him had cigarette smoke in it, he wasn't
smoking-smoking. So I might have to do another. Anyway. I had to look at
his stupid face for like two days and discovered all these flaws on his
stupid face. Hahaha! :P I'm just kidding... Anyway, like Angelina
Jolie, Doug has very good bone structure. I think I got his nose
point-on, but everything else is pretty eh. Especially his eyes. I can't
do realistic eyes! The first time I finished his face, I thought I was
done until I held it up and really looked at it. was pretty
contorted and I was like, "Fuck. Now I have to redo his entire left
side." And this was the result. I still need more practice with drawing
human things. This is with the smoke added-in. I ended up using charcoal for it... it's difficult because in the picture the smoke was white, but I don't want to do more shading with the rest of the picture... so yeah. |