July 19, 2014

Higher Than a Kite, In My Mind

I've been wanting to draw this for the longest time. A Koala. Riding a platypus. No idea where it came from, just an image in my head. No, I wasn't on drugs when I thought of it or when I drew it. It just seemed funny to me. In my head. Yes. 

I have an unhealthy love for sketch lines. I much prefer them to a polished work. I think it looks more complete with the multiple attempts to draw the perfect line... I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO HIDE! *shifty eyes*
I had a hard time deciding what to do with the bare background. At first I was going to do a space scene, but I had already done that with the doodle that I dedicated to tjoe. Then I thought maybe underwater, but that would take much too long (I wanted it to be done with it in one day). Then I thought, "Fuck it. Since it's so psychedelic in some ways, why not feed to that thought?" So I drew everything I liked in the background, like me and my platypus pal were cruising through adventures. Wheeee!