December 11, 2013

It's a Snowy World!

This year's first winter holidays doodle! Originally, the doodle was only going to be of a snowball fight with the homies, but then the night before I started, I was like, "SNOWGLOBE!"
Added some snowflakes as if the globe had been shaken. I wanted to add the whole reflection on the glass, or a glare of sorts, you know, to make it a more realistic looking snowglobe, but I sort of got tired of working on this... I got too anal-retentive about the details and it just kept dragging on and on... So this is the end piece.
I've discovered that I can be quite masochistic in my doodles. Because I kept thinking of ways that my koala could get hurt in it. *shifty eyes* I don't know, I thought it comical somehow... Like, originally, I wanted my koala to get frozen in an icicle (okay, not frozen, stabbed with), but then I was thinking that it shouldn't be so morbid because it's the holiday season. *shifty eyes* Anywayyyy, I also thought up of many things I could be doing so I ended up drawing myself several times in it. One getting hit in the back of the head with a snowball (1 Jay), two, acting as the torso snowball to the snowman (2 Jay), three, getting caught up in a rolling snowball (3 Jay)... andddd, to complete the sequence, a blue jay on the tree. Heh heh. And yes Hungry and tjoe, Jay is getting ROLLED. -__- lol Okay, maybe I should describe the other scenes in the snowglobe: Squid Lips, Govna, Rogue, and Dizzy (p.s. Dizzeh has a snowball cannon thingy...) are having a snowball fight in the front. I'm sleeping in the snowman (somehow). Nick and tjoe are in the background (heh, not gaaaayyyyyy at all, lol), sledding, perhaps even chasing the giant snowball that has Jay in it.
I had a hard time deciding what to draw for the stand. At first, I wanted to maybe do carvings on it... then I thought maybe flowers... I don't know. Then one night before sleeping, I thought of doing a semi-tree! So then I asked the guys what kind of decoration they'd like... I didn't manage to ask Govna, so he ended up getting a decoration of Renekton's ult icon. Squid Lips' is a symbol from his favourite anime. Dizzeh, of course, wanted something super complicated, lol, (mind you, all these were less than 1cm in size on the paper), a shield with the House of Stark on it with lightsabers criss-crossing in the back. Rogue wanted one of the demoticon! tjoe wanted one of a teddy bear in a Santa suit, but I also drew the pair of doves that he mentioned and of course, Hungry. I wanted Onion and then I added Squirt because he's adorable. Andddd Nick wanted one of those impossible shapes. The bottom one is the one I screwed up. Well I didn't screw up, it turned out well so I kept it, but the one more to the right is the one that is the actual shape, lol. And Rex makes a cameo! There are other filler decorations, and I would've added more but Rogue warned me of overdecorating. *shifty eyes* And of course, I had to have my Snow Patrol snowflake. :)