May 4, 2013

I Gots Teemo Fever!

Will the real Teemo, please stand up?
With Steve-mo, Rogue-mo, Jay-mo, Squid-mo, Dizz-mo... and tjoe and Hungz in the background... and Rex's tail at the side because it was too hard to draw Teemo's hat on a dolphin. *shifty eyes*
I think my favourite champion may very well be Teemo. I'm still not that good at him when I play against real people (because he's just so distractingly adorable), but gosh darn it, I can't resist watching him hop around with my new Cottontail skin (thanks bro).

This might be the fastest doodle ever! It only took me last night to do it, colour and all. Unfortunately, the pencil crayon came out really gritty, washed out, and blueh in the picture... Fortunately, colouring in Photoshop is kind of fun.

Pre-photoshop photo.
I think I might do another doodle on Teemo. Maybe. Originally, I was only going to draw me hugging Teemo... but my homies make LoL so much more rewarding and fun. And a doodle just isn't the same without them, so I Teemo-fied us all! Well, with just his hat... which the lazy me said is sufficient.
... :)