June 7, 2012


You bow to me, hiding your smirk,
Asking me for a dance,
So we twirl and twirl 'till I'm dizzy,
Too lost in the moment to care,
But you kept winding up the music box,
Your arms refusing to let go,
Whispering honey-laced words
So I'd be stuck on you,
But I grow more weary each beat
I politely ask to be excused,
You spit out more reasons why I should stay,
Imposing and guilt-inducing,
It's hard to breathe, 
So I'm trying to push you away,
But your ego is bigger than your heart
As you clinch on tighter 'till it hurts me,
Grab me roughly and shake me out
With your accusations and injury,
And I no longer know how to escape,
I can't get away.