April 20, 2012


I'm not one to shout it out loud
Because I like keeping it close
To my heart where it lives
Growing, keeping me alive,
Where we protect one another,
But it's now overflowing magnificently
It's pouring from my fingertips
Intertwining with the sunlight
And lifting me off of the ground
Where I have been laying
Listlessly and lost
But I found it behind my voice
On that particularly dark day
And I find it now in my words
The extraordinary hope I feel
Snuggling warmly
Next to the love I have for you.

Inspired by the events of April 18th, 2012.
The day when my dearest Grandfather passed away.
The day when one of my dreams came true.
Such highs and lows condensed into a day,
That I have etched into my heart.