January 15, 2012


You start at where I started
And there is a trail of clothes
Littered before you
You pick up a piece to inspect
And the smell reminds you of me
You drop it by your feet
And it lands softly like a flower petal
You look on and decide to follow me,
An apparition never within reach,
And you race against your heartbeat
Tracing the things I've discarded
Words, tears, memories, pieces
Of myself you've never known
And you start collecting
All the emotions and thoughts
That I've left behind for you
And you see yourself
Swirling in my mind,
And the realization hit you
Like a bolt of lightning,
And you begin chasing my shadows,
Finally I am within your view
Bare, all of myself for you to see
You call out my name,
I turn slightly to look at you
And as you run the final steps toward me,
I smile as I shed the last of my doubts
And bury myself in your embrace,
As you cover me whole.