October 16, 2011


I thread the bead through the string
I'm still smiling from the joke you told me
Careful not to let it fall out on the other end
You showed me the colours of your life
I picked up another bead of a different shade of red
And we spent hours immersed in adventures
And put in through the string
That I'll never forget for the rest of time
It slides down next to the first bead, snuggly,
You told me secrets and stories you've told no one else
And I repeat this pattern methodically,
I keep them safe inside
Until I achieve a strand of beads
With my own secrets and stories that you've learned
Fit for my own wrist, and I excitedly
I've cried and laughed in your presence
Cross the two ends through the final bead
And I am not afraid to show you who I am
Creating a unity, a collection of beads,
A collection of memories
That I wear with joy on my hand
We are pieced together,
Fitted and complete
And I think of you always
As I look at my new bracelet adoringly.